红豆杉品种 |
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来源: 作者: 发布时间:2013-07-16 17:32 |
中国苗木网,www.999miaomu.com 浙江省青田县曼地亚红豆杉专业合作社 编辑:项李斌 中国苗木网,999miaomu.com Taxus L. is a problematic genus, not only its species are discouragingly similar, but also its family circumscription are still doubtful. The species of Genus Taxus are more geographically than morphologically separable. Detailed study of the genus, including the cultivated representatives is much needed. 中国苗木网,www.999miaomu.com 红豆杉种属的Issue(问题),不光它的品种惊人地类似,并且其科的界线也十分模糊。通常都是经过天文差异而不是保守形状的差异实行分类。对本属,包括具有代表性的人工栽培种,实行详细的探讨是十分必要的。 999中国苗木网,www.999miaomu.com Generally, the characters of Genus Taxus are: Evergreen trees or shrubs,branchlets irregularly alternate. Leaves linear, spirally arranged, 通常,红豆杉树是常绿乔木或灌木,小枝不规则互生。叶条形,螺旋状着生,基部多少改变排成2列或彼此堆叠的不规则2列,直或镰状,下面中脉隆起,上面有两条灰绿色或淡黄色的气孔带,叶柄无树脂道。雌雄异株,球花单生于叶腋,有短柄;雄球花圆球形,基部覆瓦状陈列的苞片,雄蕊6-14枚,盾状,花药4-9丝,辐射状陈列;雌球花简直无柄,基部有少数覆瓦状陈列的苞片,胚珠竖立,基部托以圆盘状的珠托,受精后珠托发育成肉质、杯状、白色的假种皮。种子坚果状,卵圆形或长圆形,顶端凸尖,生于杯状肉质的假种皮中。 苗木网,www.999miaomu.com The wood of yew is hard and durable, resistant to rotten and used in building, bridge construction, furniture manufacture, musical instrument, and as a carving material. The bark, foliage and seed contain taxol and its semi-synthetic precursors. The heartwood yields a red dye. Seed can be used for oil extraction. Its beautiful tree figure and fleshy red aril make it perfect for a gardening plant. 中国苗木网,www.999miaomu.com 红豆杉的木头十分坚固耐用,抗腐朽才能很强,常常使用于房屋、桥梁建立,在家具、乐器制造、雕塑等方面也是很好的资料。其枝叶、树皮和种子中都含有紫杉醇及其化学半分解前体;其心材可消费一种白色的颜料,种子可用来榨油。它优美的树形、艳丽的白色假种皮使其十分合适于园艺。 苗木网,www.999miaomu.com There are about nine species in this genus, mainly distributed in north hemisphere. In China there are three species and two varieties. But this record is based on a certain concept of taxonomy. Actually, the total number of distinct species of Taxus occurring in China and their system is quite controversial and in need of further study. 中国苗木网,999miaomu.com 本属约9种,重要散布于北半球。我国有3种2变种。但这种记载仅是基于一定的分类概念,实践上在中国有所散布的种及其它们的零碎仍有很大争议,需求进一步地深化探讨。 苗木网,www.999miaomu.com 999中国苗木网,www.999miaomu.com |
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