带你了解北美红豆杉 |
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来源: 作者: 发布时间:2013-07-16 17:32 |
带你了解北美红豆杉 苗木网,www.999miaomu.com
999中国苗木网,999miaomu.com 浙江省青田县曼地亚红豆杉专业合作社 编辑:项李斌 中国苗木网,999miaomu.com
999中国苗木网,www.999miaomu.com American Yew (Taxus media): 999苗木网,www.999miaomu.com 北美红豆杉 999苗木网,999miaomu.com 2米高灌木,雌雄同体,较矮,通常有分枝且层叠。树皮淡白色,极薄。枝条分散向上。树叶长1-2.5cm,宽1-2.4mm,淡绿色,沿气孔大局部短少外表乳突,从暗绿色到黄绿色,叶子表皮细胞从横截面看比高或±等径要宽。种子有些扁平,4-5mm。x=12 中国苗木网,www.999miaomu.com Shrubs to 2 m, usually monoecious, low, diffusely branched, straggling, spreading to prostrate. Bark reddish, very thin. Branches spreading and ascending. Leaves 1-2.5cm×1-2.4mm, pale green abaxiallym, mostly without cuticular papillae along stomatal bands,dark green to yellow-green adaxially, epidermal cells as viewed in cross section of leaf wider than tall or ± isodiametric. Seed somewhat flattened, 4-5mm. x = 12. 中国苗木网,999miaomu.com Seeds maturing late summer-early fall. Understory shrub in rich forests (deciduous, mixed, or coniferous ), bogs, swamps, gorges, ravine slopes, and rocky banks; 0-1500 m. It is the alleged hybrid between Taxus baccata Linnaeus and Taxus cuspidata Siebold & Zuccarini and the first choice for taxol extraction which approved by FDA and common in cultivation nowadays. The taxol content of its 4-5 year-old needle is equivalent to the content of 70-80-year-old bark of natural yew. As a shrub, media yew also can adapt to various environments. And its developed root system and strong germination ability of lateral bud make itself especially suitable for the forestation of medicine. 999苗木网,www.999miaomu.com 中国苗木网,999miaomu.com |
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