Schisandra propingua(Wall.)Baill. Var. Sinensis Oliv. 五味子科植物。生长于华南、西南山区向阳坡地或沟旁. 是一种祛风活血、解毒消肿、止痛,民间用于治脉管炎,甚至是胃癌的草药。由于植株枝蔓蓬生,叶面有灰白色的斑纹,耐阴性亦好,栽培中表现出生长粗放,抗逆性良好,所以在开发药用,又能作室内装饰植物的资源中,铁箍散是其中的优良品种之一。 Fruit of Chinese magnolia vine family. Grows in the sun facing slopes or by the ditch in the mountainous area in southeast and southwest of China, it is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine used to dispel wind, to quicken blood, it counteracts the effects of poison, reduces swelling and relieves pain. Local people use it to treat vessel disease or even stomach cancer. Because it is a vine, leaf surface with gray strips and is shade resistant, cultivation shows that it is easy to grow, is a superior variety good for ornamental and medical use.